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To coordinate the cultural initiatives from all settlements along the Danube river, in order to establish the DANUrB brand, the certification mark of the Danube Settlements and to enable the materialization of an international cooperation, contact and network building in the cultural development of these settlements for a self-sustaining local engagement and identity building journey of the communities involved.
· to coordinate the cultural initiatives from all settlements along the Danube river, in order to create the Brand, the certification mark of the Danube Settlements (DANube Urban Brand that is DANUrB) and to enable the materialization the international cooperation, contact and network building in the cultural development of these settlements;
· to join the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC), in other words the promotion of cross-border cooperation (Interreg) of EU Cohesion Policy, explicitly for purposes of the sustainable economic, social, intercultural and territorial development of the Danube region; (DTP Interreg project);
· to manage and further develop the regional quality insurance system formed in DANUrB+DTP Interreg project and the DANUrB certification mark registered in the EU in connection to the DANUrB Platform;
· maintaining and developing the cultural-development contacts among the Danube countries, representing the achieved results of the DANUrB (2017-2019) and DANUrB+ (2020-2022) Interreg Danube Transnational Programme projects on the EU-level;
· maintaining and further developing the research achievements accumulated in the DANUrB and DANUrB + projects, producing database, internet Platform and results of new database or publication nature;
· participating in, or initiating projects, as partner or initiator, connected to the Danube cultural heritage and the opportunities of settlement development, writing tenders, organizing partnerships.
DANUrB Nemzetközi Egyesület általános információk/DANUrB International Association (DIA) general information:
1. Egyesület neve/name of the association: DANUrB Nemzetközi Egyesület
2. Nemzetközi neve/foreign name of the association: DANUrB International Association (DIA)
3. Székhelye és címe/seat and address of the association: Bartók Béla út 10-12., H-1111 Budapest, Hungary
4. Egyesület nyilvántartási száma/Hungarian court registration number: 01-02-00117838
5. Adószáma/Taxation number (registered in Hungary): 19329415-1-43
6. Egyesület elnöke/President: Szántóné Dr. Orbán Annamária /Mrs Szántó Annamária Orbán, PhD
7. Kapcsolat/elérhetőség/contact: Dr. Orbán Annamária/Annamaria Orbán, PhD orbanabme@gmail.com
8. Honlap cím/webpage of the association: www.danurb.eu
DANUrB Nemzetközi Egyesület banki információk /DANURB International Association bank account information:
1. Számlavezető bank neve/Name of the Bank: OTP Bank (Hungary)
2. Forint számlaszám/HUF account: 11716008-22535438
3. Deviza számla szám/Euro account: 11763165-19526887
4. IBAN: HU91117631651952688700000000
DANUrB International Association – General Information (in Hungarian and English)
DANUrB International Association – Founding regulation (in Hungarian)
Statutes of the DANUrB International Association